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Online ticket sales are now closed.  If you are interested in attending BOOOts & Bow Ties, limited seats may still be available. Please reach out to our Event Manager, Courtney Givens, at courtney@simplepleasuresevents.com for more information.


Grab your friends and join us for the 2024 BOOOts & Bow Ties! A spooktacular evening off-the-beaten-path!

Join us Saturday, October 26th, 5:30 to 9 pm, at ilani Resort & Casino as you start your night off with a tasty cocktail or glass of pinot, bid on some incredible silent auction items, schmooze with other movers and shakers who support science and our public lands, and oh...yeah.

We almost forgot: Slide on a pair of mud boots, add some fake blood and flaunt your favorite suit or pull out the gowns, showcase some elf ears and pull on your gaiters for a night you'll always remember. Because this is no ordinary gala. This is BOOOts & Bow Ties!



Guests cannot wear masks into ilani or on to the casino floor.  Masks will need to be removed when entering ilani and can be put back on when in the Junior Ballroom and again removed at departure through ilani.  Fully painted faces are also not allowed entering ilani or on the casino floor, guests will be required to remove facial make-up before entering.  Fully painted faces are allowed in the Junior Ballroom but again would need to be removed at departure through ilani.  Additionally, no real weapons, fabricated or fake are allowed on property.   
The Junior Ballroom is the only venue within ilani where masks and painted faces are allowed.  

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Special Thanks to Our Generous Sponsors